Monday, February 20, 2012

Draw what you know...

 red bunny

ink bunny

Living smack dab in the middle of suburbia I know the bunnies in my "hood."  Gray brown color, a bit of a white tail, brown eyes, they crouch and hop, hiding under evergreens and low bushes. These guys and gals aren't the sit up and take a look around bunnies.  Here are two from this winter's bunny series.

The photos were taken with my iphone, the ink drawing was processed in instagram - my fav fast photo fix app.


Anonymous said...

Renee...I love the red bunny, it's movement and personality!


omg, it takes me 3 tries to outsmart the robo word app!!!!

Joan Elizabeth said...

The bunnies are original. I love your header shot.

nancy neva gagliano said...

these bunnies are so, bunny luv!

somepinkflowers said...

{{ helllllu!
i popped over here
Stephanie's blog...

bunnies----> ♥ }}

Unknown said...

Fun sketches! I love the red one especially ....

I would be spending my days watching out the window for their antics - it reminds me of watership down when they live in and among people like that - I hope nobody goes after them to get rid of them!