Sunday, May 30, 2010

Simple Gift, by hands with paper & glue

More mail art.  In my previous post, Odd Chick commented about the book Good Mail Day
so thought I'd share the link. 
There sure are some creative folks out there in the book world and blog world.
A simple gift for a friend in California.

Waiting to be bundled. 
 The tag holds a sentiment for her, the simple art piece, 
a photo of an altered postcard she made for me last summer, 
a two page letter (! oh my stars!).  
All tucked into: 
adaption: turning a plain jane blank card into a functional and interesting pocket.

Another wax paper wrapped bundle 
ready for an envelope and the US mail.
"Although wax paper had been out of fashion for decades,
She sought to bring it back to its former glory." - renee howell

Politely taking over the kitchen table while the others slept.
(tablecloth:  Target purchase yesterday!)
Time for me to clean up the evidence!
Enjoy your weekend everybody!


ELK said...

i KNOW we were creating art at the same are such fun to make..i relish the string on your pieces...thanks for the book link!!

ArtPropelled said...

I like simple, handmade and especially these fresh looking bundles.

Bea said...

What a great bundle/package that will be to receive. It just makes me smile to see it. :)Bea