Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Shaking Dog

Stretching again.  Seems a good thing to do in January - stretch my photography skills.  Taking an online class (love these), this time from Steve Soneheim - Photo Silly Light.  Helping me experiment and renew my relationship with Cam, the camera.  Black and White - animal action shot.  Looking forward to summer and soaking this ol' doggie and taking pics of her shaking off all the water!

Still in the stretching category - renewing my yoga relationship, too.

What's on your January agenda?


Anonymous said...

Looks like you're having fun with your new friend CAM...love LOVE the new banner!


Unknown said...

that's a great shot! you must have a very nice camera named Cam

ArtPropelled said...

Wonderful header and I love the shaking dog.

Caterina Giglio said...

oh good for you... good looking stretches, you and doggie!

nancy neva gagliano said...

yup...the red in the wings of the RWblack birds...nice.
stella too. and your cam+class.
going to my first of the winter photog classes night...the 'personal landscapes'...enthusiastic about the promised winter 'field trips'
and a dog doing the yoga stretching is a DOGI