Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The August Break, 2011

August - that time of change from still summer but "back to the work."
Not that I've been off work.  But it has slowed down a bit.

Susannah Conway has started The August Break, 2011.
A photo a day (guideline, post what you want) in August, on Flickr
Going to use my phone so I don't get all hung up
with Photoshop or Picasa and all that fussing with correcting/improving things.

Wondering what I'll be seeing in August.
Wondering what you'll be seeing in August.


Unknown said...

What a great idea .... It sounds like a nice way to simplify

Renee Howell said...

Good thing I posted this on my blog because I completely forgot about it. Yikes!

Renee Howell said...

True confession moment. Not one photo of mine made it out of my camera in August. Life happens.