Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sketchbook Project 2011 - The 2's

The second meeting
of moleskine sketchbook and mind
one page was not enough.
created two,
on the same day.

Interesting the "rules" first started.
one page a day.
Broken - day two.

slight of hand
circle on the move.

engaging calm meditation of mind
with gray tipped marker between fingers and thumb
creating on paper.


Bea said...

Just proving that rules are made to be broken. :)Bea

Caterina Giglio said...

oh my.... I try not to have rules in the studio....
but your marks are coming along nicely! : )

Elizabeth Owen said...

Dear Renee, Just found your lovely blog. I couldn't tell you exactly how, but I am glad I did. You have inspired me: I am going to try the Sketchbook project as well. Though I seem to be wrestling with their website.
a friend from Sas' class,
(in case you don't remember me)