Saturday, May 8, 2010

To all who have mothered....

To all who have mothered another's soul.
a child, a friend, a mother and 
yes, pets and gardens count too.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart
For being tHERE when you were needed.

from the Embrace! exhibit at the Denver Art Museum
Jessica Stockholder: Wide Eyes Smeared Here Dear, 2009

This rainbow tower of color and plastic, held together with the magic of wire 
feels like my attempts at meal-time whether for family or friends.  
Let the chaos begin! 
And may it visit again.

Happy Mother's Day to all
as we are ALL in it to-get-her (together).


Blue Sky Dreaming said...

Love this installation, especially the colored plastic! Happy Mother's Day to you!

Caterina Giglio said...

fabulous post my dear and great way to celebrate all inclusively! very interesting installation!

nancy neva gagliano said...

PERFECT....i'm feeling happily included .... and UPbeat via your message and photos of this installation!! let the plastic fly... we're to-get-her, even with all the "martha"s of the airways..

verification word: mistic!

Unknown said...

and the clothes hanging out to dry in the background ... it's an exuberant and bright and oversized representation of our tedium .... monotony made joyful :)