Friday, April 16, 2010

Fashionista photos - outside my box

I'm not a fashionista - ask my daughters.  I've started following this blog thesartorialist, here's my current favorite post over there - They Call Her Snowflake.  The photos he posts, just make me LOOK at different ways of combining everyday things.  The people combinations of fashion.  Thought you might enjoy the photos - they are outside "my box" of photos.  A good thing - just to keep Cam (the camera) sharp and witty.

My fashion goal:  To look like I care, but not like I'm concerned.  Fortunately, I live in Colorado, where jeans everyday, everywhere are not frowned upon.  And for work - EVERYTHING goes with black slacks.


nancy neva gagliano said...

aw, yes....i needed a clothes-shot! and your fashion goal!!! right on, ms. skye

ArtPropelled said...

I should never have followed that link!!! Scrolling, scrolling, scrolling. I love Snowflake.

Jaye Gumley said...

Mom, you always look put together I do not know what you are talking about. Also all my cute clothes you have found for me!

Jill Zaheer said...

How funny. For me, my black top always seems to match my black bottom. Ah, the nyc way!!! Love your description of how you want to look- together but as if you aren't really concerned! Just great!!